gloss over

英 [ɡlɒs ˈəʊvə(r)] 美 [ɡlɑːs ˈoʊvər]

粉饰; 掩盖; 掩饰


  1. PHRASAL VERB 粉饰;掩盖;掩饰
    If you gloss over a problem, a mistake, or an embarrassing moment, you try and make it seem unimportant by ignoring it or by dealing with it very quickly.
    1. Some foreign governments appear happy to gloss over continued human rights abuses.


  1. Some foreign governments appear happy to gloss over continued human rights abuses.
  2. Correct your mistake the moment you realize it and don't try to gloss over your mistake.
  3. One should not gloss over one's shortcomings.
  4. This introduction is designed to only give you an initial taste of what WSFL is and what it has to offer; therefore, it will gloss over the detailed concepts.
  5. In this article, I'll discuss performance-based improvements to your code, but I'll also talk about things in the jQuery library that some people may gloss over.
  6. "LXC: Linux container tools" describes the basic usage of liblxc in detail, so we'll gloss over it here.
  7. Furthermore, we will gloss over the initial creation of the dispenser object.
  8. Of the respondents responsible for interviewing job applicants for senior roles, only 16 per cent said they would be willing to gloss over AQI and focus purely on an applicant's strengths and aptitude.
  9. Moreover, does her kindly words and expression can gloss over the pain by the laceration of her head?
  10. Such predictions, however, gloss over the likely impact within Iran.
  11. Our metrics are geared toward consumption and production of man-made goods and services, and we tend to gloss over nature.
  12. Don't gloss over your faults.
  13. The seller will often gloss over the weak areas of the business, or put effort into creating short-term gains to give a favorable impression of the business.
  14. It is bad policy to gloss over the difficulties.
  15. He tried to gloss over his errors.
  16. He could no longer gloss over his failures.
  17. He poses the question that most Americans prefer to gloss over: is California governable?
  18. At first glance, it may be easy for one to gloss over him and the importance he brings to the team.
  19. Double vision, night-vision disturbances and dry eye are among the side effects outlined in literature given to Lasik patients, but Kantis and others say physicians often gloss over the risks.
  20. People recall the peaks, gloss over the troughs, and are influenced by recent events, including sunshine and serendipitous dimes.
  21. Both sides yesterday were at pains to gloss over differences and focus on areas of common cause concerning the economic and financial crisis.
  22. John tried in vain to gloss over his faults.
  23. This is no to gloss over out problems, or to underestimate the scale of what is required.
  24. Don't gloss over the comments at the bottom of each page: some of the best and most up-to-date information can be found in the user-contributed notes.
  25. Meanwhile, reforming zeal is in danger of being squandered, as broad-brush visions gloss over trickier questions of implementation and efficacy.
  26. The stock market indiscriminately all attributed to the bubble, put it bluntly, but some are too keen on the artificial gloss over their mistakes managers of market manipulation.
  27. Unfortunately, corporate risk management tends to gloss over network effects and it is quite often myopic.
  28. The main points of the plan seem fine and I think we can gloss over the details for now.
  29. I do not mean to gloss over or underplay the obstacles and needs.



  1. cover up a misdemeanor, fault, or error
    1. Let's not whitewash the crimes of Stalin
    2. She tried to gloss over her mistakes

    Synonym:    whitewashsleek overhush up

  2. treat hurriedly or avoid dealing with properly

      Synonym:    skate oversmooth overslur overskimp over